Tux Jammies
This is a picture of my son in his favorite pajamas, the “Tux Jammies”. Ever since he ask which jammies were my favorite, and I answered the Tux jammies, they are now his favorite (sometimes even to the point of demanding that Mommy wash them during the day so that he can wear them twice in a row ).
Anyway, a shot of Caleb in his Tux jammies for posterity, before they get too threadbare, or he outgrows them
Nice. Starting them young, that’s the way to do it. You’ll have to save this and show it to him later when he first learns what “Linux” and “PHP” meann.
He is already adgitating for a computer of his own (after all, it is not fair that Madeline has one in her room…glad he doesn’t realize she got her first computer when she was 1 1/2, and he is almost 3… doh!!!).
My debate now is if I can install Linux and run all of his kids games under wine, or if I just buckle down and live with another Windows box in the house
The stuff on this web site is really witty and cool wise
Salut !