PHP|Tek 2011 TDD Code

Thank you to everyone who attended my May 25th PHP|Tek talk on Test Driven Development. If you have not had a chance, please do leave feedback on

Per the audiance request, below are the requirements, test file and source code we developed during the live tutorial.

Hash object
get and set function
respond to array access



require 'simpletest/autorun.php';
require 'hash.php';

class TekTDDUnitTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
    protected $subject;
    function setup() {
        $this->subject = new Hash;

    function testClassExists() {
        $this->assertTrue(class_exists('Hash'),'Hash Class does not exist');
    function testSetMethod() {
    function testGetMethod() {
            $key = 'foo';
            $value = 'bar'.rand(0,100);
            $this->assertEqual     ($value, $this->subject->get($key));
    function testAccessAsAnArray() {
            $key = 'foo';
            $value = 'bar'.rand(0,100);
            $this->subject[$key] =$value;
            $this->assertEqual($value, $this->subject[$key]);




class Hash implements ArrayAccess {
    protected $store = array();
    function offsetExists($key) {
    function offsetGet($key) {
        return $this->get($key);
    function offsetSet($key,$value) {
        $this->set($key, $value);
    function offsetUnset($key) {
    function set($key, $value) {
        $this->store[$key] = $value;
    function get($key) {
        return $this->store[$key];
