phppatterns revived
If you are an aficionado of Design Patterns, and of PHP, then you may have noticed the hosting problems, and times outright disappearance, of the phppatterns website. With some hosting assistance from Jeff, phppatterns is back online. It is nice to see this valuable PHP and Design Pattern resource back online. One significant visible change is the use of Docuwiki as a back end (no comment on the chosen color theme from me ;), hey I am a programmer, not a designer, also).
Harry has also posted a detailed review of my Guide to PHP Patterns book. This is the most thorough review of the book I have seen to date, and I am happy to report that almost all of the feedback I have seen on the book so far has been positive.
Nice to see the site back.. but I must agree, the color theme makes me tired after 2 mins of reading…a plain white and black theme would be fine for this.
It was a long night and I was feeling provocative 😉 There was another scheme involving pink and orange but managed to exert a little restraint.
When I get some time for the “final push” and open the wiki up to other users, will make the first mission are request for a better design (suggestions via a wiki page perhaps). It should then be just a matter of CSS modifications.
Yeah, it’s nice to see it back online, but the color theme sucks. No really.
Zend Framework Tutorial Teil 3: MVC Design Pattern und Zend_Controller
Nach der Einführung in das TravelloBlog Projekt im ersten Teil dieses Tutorials haben wir im zweiten Teil unser grundlegendes System aufgebaut, die Verzeichnisstruktur eingerichtet und eine erste rudimentäre Bootstrap Datei erstellt. Wer moch…